If your veterinarian will help you plan the cremation process, we work with all veterinarian offices to make sure that your pet will be cared for properly.
If your veterinarian does not provide these types of services please call our office to discuss how our services can be of comfort to you and your family.
Be sure to ask your Veterinarian these important questions when talking about cremation for your beloved pet companion! You have the right to be informed when making decisions regarding a pet that has passed.
Does your Vet use a local pet crematory?
Our family owned pet crematory is located LOCALLY. This means your pet will not be sent out of town for cremation. This means your pet will not be placed on ice or stored in a freezer for days at a
time in order to preserve their body for the required time of transport out of town. This means we can begin the cremation process promptly and return your pet to you within the guaranteed 1-2
business days.
Does your Vet use a licensed crematory with certified operators?
Having 8 Cremation Association of North America (CANA) Certified Crematory Operators on staff helps to offer our pet owners peace of mind in knowing that all our cremations are performed with the
highest standards and respect, and your pet will never be handled by anyone other than our staff.
Can I inspect the facility?
We are proud of being the most trusted and respected cremation facility in the surrounding areas and we make it available for your inspection anytime.