Cincinnati's #1 Choice for Family Owned "Where Pets are Family Too" Pet Cremation Services Affordable & Dignified Pet Care Call us (513) 334-3637 Since 1840
Cincinnati's #1 Choice for Family Owned                                           "Where Pets are Family Too"                                                              Pet Cremation Services                                                          Affordable & Dignified Pet Care                                      Call us (513) 334-3637                                                                           Since 1840

Contact Us

Corporate Office:


Companion Care Pet Cremation

Phone: (513) 334-3637
Fax: (513) 683-9632


Hours of Operation:


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Monday - Friday)

Closed    (Saturday)

Closed    (Sunday)


Please note that we are only able to assist clients during hours of operation at this time–this includes end of life needs.

Drop off location:


Companion Care Pet Loss Cremation Center

1668 St. Rt. 28

Goshen, OH 45122


Tufts Schildmeyer - Goshen

1668 St. Rt. 28

Goshen, OH 45122


Pickup of remains ONLY location:

Tufts Schildmeyer - Loveland

129 N. Riverside Avenue

Loveland, OH 45140




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Contact Us

Companion Care Pet Cremation

Administrative Office

129 N Riverside Ave

Loveland, OH 45140


Pet Loss Cremation Center

1668 St. Rt. 28

Goshen, OH 45122


p: (513) 334-3637

f: (513) 683-9632


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© Companion Care Pet Cremation by Tufts Schildmeyer